But I should clarify something first. Ladies, when I speak of self pleasure - think less clitoral and more vaginal/cervical. Trash the vibrating everythings (they desensitize your nerves), get your hands dirty and invest in a glass/crystal dildo. Please. And I'm assuming we all know porn is shit. Okay, let's begin.
Casual sex is an oxymoron. There is absolutely nothing casual about letting someone have access to the most intimate parts of your body and your most potent energy. Sex is never just sex. It's a complex layered experience and quite honestly, dumbing it down to just biology limits your self-understanding and reduces your pleasure.
You should be the best fuck of your life. And if your partner mirrors it, awesome. But to depend on another to take you to a depth of ecstasy you yourself have not traversed on your own - no more than a few times - is setting you up for disappointment
The yoni or sex center of a woman is an energetic receiving gate. The lingam or sex center of a man is an energetic giving gate. When a man penetrates a woman's yoni, his energy goes straight to her heart, and travels from her heart (her giving gate) to his heart (his receiving gate), down to his sex center and the cycle continues.
A man has much more of a conscious choice to let the energy (from a woman's heart) in. Unfortunately, if a woman hasn't developed a deep emotional connection with a man, sex for him is merely a physical release. While for the woman, it often turns into much more.
Additionally, when a man penetrates a woman, he leaves a cellular and energetic imprint on her yoni. Now, this can be a beautiful thing if it's the right man. (Ever been with a truly amazing man and seen every aspect of your life start blowing up for the better?) That is the potency of sexual energy exchange.
However, if the energy/intention is not of the same caliber, it can lead to massive disruption, confusion and chaos in our lives.
When we engage in fulfilling self pleasure, (women: cervical orgasms) circulating our sexual energy throughout our entire body, into the higher energy centers (rather than keeping it stuck in the root), we feel more alive, connected and present.
We also heal our trauma, re-pattern our nervous systems, and start showing up in the world embodying more of our authentic nature.
Essentially, the more we take responsibility for ourself, our pleasure, our energy... our SACRED LIFE FORCE and use it as such - the more liberated we become, in every facet of our being.
Bonus: Did you know the cervix is connected to both the heart and the larynx via the vagus nerve, in a kind of holy trinity of powerful energy centers?
As you start having deeper, more full body orgasms from the cervix, you will release mountains of stuck energy in these centers, and begin to see a whole new version of YOU emerge.
Wan to learn more? Join me for Radical LOVE... a 6-week intimate container designed for those looking to radically transform their ideas about relationships and sex, making them a catalyst for spiritual awakening and a lot more fun!