hello love. i woke up this morning, was all good... until i rolled out my yoga mat and then it all came loose. the fear that i had been trying to keep out of my mind for weeks exploded in deep, guttural sobs. this past year has been so fucking hard. it asked things of me that i didn't know i had. and don't get me wrong - i have so much to be grateful for - this, i know. but holy fuck! being guided by Source to rely solely on a business in its first full year to provide pretty much all of your income (while rejecting other opportunities out of misalignment) is some insane trust-in-the-moment-Truth-warrior shit!
and i know i'm not alone! many of us are finding ourselves being called to navigate the void in ways we've never imagined!
i mean, who would figure? we are ONLY in the midst of shifting mama Earth into a new paradigm.
(who signed us up for this? haha!)
when we soften, when we release, when we let go...
love floods in, opening the pathways of remembrance.
we restore who we really are and receive what we deeply desire.
to abide in the space...
where nothing is known;
where everything is possible;
where magic potently emits;
if you yearn to devote some time to venturing the liminal, strengthening your softening, and witnessing some magic in a beautiful container of loving support, join me in Source Seer Tuesday, Feb. 20th! enrollment is now open!