hello love. the other morning, as i was sitting in my blue chair, with my hot lemon water staring out on the coastal wilderness i call home, a thought descended from the heavens, blew a fuse in my brain and has been burning ever since.
to give more context - a few weeks prior, with the coming "New Year", i found myself in recurring conversations with clients regarding the thoughts, ideas, and beliefs we hold individually and collectively around success and wealth.
we all know that it's important to define these terms on our own "terms" but time and again, we feel someone or something tugging at our arm, dragging us down a path that we're told is important, possesses value, or holds the key to our happiness.
but if we're lucky, we wake, running home to our heart and its Truth.
well, that morning, i was there... back in those conversations, contemplating my own path of success and wealth when i stumbled into the realization that i am the wealthiest person i know. for one reason and one reason alone... be it the best one, in my opinion.
i get to spend my time here on Earth living in accordance with all that i value and know to be true.
now, you might be thinking, "well, yeah but i get to do that too" or "there's others that do the same... how does that make you the wealthiest person you know?"
the same way it would make you, should you do the same, the wealthiest person you know ;)
i am the wealthiest person i know because my life is a direct reflection of my life. haha! yes, you may need to read that again. the totality of my expression - through my life's experiences, desires, DNA, etc., is unique and tailored to me, for me - to create a life that only i have the ability to get the greatest amount of enjoyment living. just as yours is unique and tailored to you, for you to get the greatest amount of enjoyment living.
you get me?
so, the question is... are you the wealthiest person you know?
if not, have grace for yourself. this is life in the making, quite literally. and it requires constant adjusting, maneuvering, finessing. but then, when you feel ready, begin to call it in.
first, by recognizing the ways in which perhaps you're not living in accordance with your values, inner knowing and desires, making any immediate changes you can. (note: one change is enough! the Universe will respond to you, bringing more of what is aligned and less of what is not. the power is in your choosing!)
second, by repeating "i am the wealthiest person i know" several times throughout the day, and even more so when you're feeling anything but. this will gradually seep into your subconscious, increasing the likelihood of you not only attracting more of what you want, but of being able to receive it, successfully, without question (sabotage).
and then, third, by keeping this process up! soon, the affirmation "i am the wealthiest person i know" will materialize in every aspect of your life!
if this feels challenging or overwhelming and you find yourself needing a little extra support, feel free to book a Clarity Session. or if you're ready to go deeper, anchoring into true wealth and everlasting abundance, The Inheritance is open for enrollment.
want more on this topic? you might enjoy this post!