Sweet perfection.
It is 9:19 AM as I draft these words.
Happy birthday Jeff. 38. God knows I could write a book detailing all the adventures we’ve had, with the most amazing plot twist - that they all occurred after your passing. The magic, nudges, prompts, blessings… all coming together to create the most beautiful spiritual inheritance of all lifetimes. I know I was there the day that God appointed you to be the earth keeper turned spirit messenger of ALL OF THIS but damn, I didn’t realize the immensity of it at the time.
Upon your passing, I felt a loss in the sense that I never had the opportunity to get to know you due to my relationship with my father. But God damn I’m so grateful to have barely known you in physical form in this lifetime. If I had, I don’t think I would’ve leaned in as much. Been in awe as much. Trusted the bare bones essentials of it ALL as much. Been open to witnessing
in his ultimate glory as much. And be able to fucking cackle at the imperfect splendor of all the fear and doubt as much.
Me not “knowing” you became the portal through which I came to truly know you. Know myself. And know
G O D.
Blessed be Jeff. Cheers to 68. Thanks for serving as an extension of the ONE always and in all ways, and for leading me to a connection so
that in all my days, I find
G O L D.